Keweenaw Peninsula
of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Travel Michigan.....Introduction to the area, local information, and Eagle Harbor Photography
Situated in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Eagle Harbor, nestled on
the south shore of Lake Superior in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula, is one of
many of it's uniquely beautiful places. The area has a rich copper mining history
with many preserved historically significant features. So it gets it's name
"The Copper Country." The Keweenaw National Historical Park commemorates
the copper mining history of the Keweenaw. Geologically, the rocks known as
the Keweenaw lava-flows are the oldest known at more than one and a half
billion years old and contribute to the areas unique topography. The topography
ranges from sandy and rocky shorelines to rugged hills reaching to mountains
and the beautiful Brockway Mountain drive. Overall, it is truly a magical place.
I hope my photo-interpretation of Keweenaw County gives you a
glimpse of it's beauty.
Enjoy and protect! the Keweenaw Peninsula.
Keweenaw County
Eagle Harbor, Michigan
Eagle Harbor Township

Lake Superior
Keweenaw Peninsula
Travel Michigan
Eagle Harbor
Copper Harbor