Jim Simak - Photography - Whale Rock Images

Email: whalerockimages@gmail.com
A long time photographer pioneering the early battle for photography and photographers to be able to be accepted into juried fine arts shows when photography was not regarded as a fine art. He has been awarded many Best of Shows in fine arts fairs over the years. Jim currently does few shows and has some of his work at galleries in the areas where he focuses his work. His photography has been published in a number of periodicals and other publications. Jim's work focuses on nature and Americana and 'anything else that strikes my eye' as evidenced by his gallery images. Much of his recent work is from the beautiful Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan where he lives part-time. He considers himself a 'shooter' and keeps things simple to be able to respond to the moment. By his definition he is not a technical photographer and rather relies on his eye for subject, composition, texture, color, lighting, 'and whatever else helps.' He uses both 35mm film and digital Nikon equipment. Jim tends to appreciate the beauty of things short lived as if to compensate for their short stay. He also keeps his nose to the ground where he finds many subjects often overlooked by most. He does not live by photography alone which allows him the flexibility to shoot what he wants and not be driven by the market need. He rarely uses any imaging tools to alter his work.
Purchase His Work Through: Photo galleries, easy order, money back guarantee, large subject selection
Fine Art Photography Gallery
The Art of Seeing
(click on title above to enter gallery)
My Work Is Also Available through
Jim Simak - Fine Art America (click)
Contact me for images outside this gallery